The Support for Transgender and Nonbinary Individuals Seeking Vaginoplasty (STRIVE) study is the largest research study of its kind and has been designed in close collaboration with trans community members every step of the way.

In July 2021, TRANS-ARC convened a summit and developed a strategic plan for facilitating research from a patient-centered perspective. We started by identifying and prioritizing research topics and questions important to trans patients.

A priority that arose from the TRANS-ARC summit that led to STRIVE was the need for more research on peer delivered support and education for people seeking genital gender-affirming surgeries.

This led our team to design STRIVE, a study that asks: how does access to peer delivered education and support, or access to a peer who has experienced and learned from the journey the patient is embarking on, impact the patient’s experience and surgical outcomes?

With so many questions around surgery, how to prepare, what to expect, how to heal and navigate your life afterward—the value of being able to connect with someone who can speak to these questions from experience is evident.

The STRIVE study aims to prove this with data. We hope to set precedent for the funding and development of peer delivered support and education programs for trans people across the world.

Learn more about the STRIVE Study at


Transgender and Nonbinary Surgery Allied Research Collective

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Support of TRANS ARC includes a PCORI (Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute) Engagement Award and Oregon Health & Science University

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