Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) is a way to identify best practices to create more efficient and effective health care. The goal of CER is to provide evidence for patients, physicians, caregivers, and policy makers to make informed decisions that improve care and patient outcomes. Criteria of CER are as follows

︎︎︎ Compare 2 or more alternative tests, procedures, therapies, or methods to see which is better

︎︎︎ Be conducted in a "real world" setting. Most research happens in a lab, under highly controlled settings. This makes it hard to translate outside the lab. CER makes it easier to start improving healthcare with better information sooner.


Transgender and Nonbinary Surgery Allied Research Collective

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Support of TRANS ARC includes a PCORI (Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute) Engagement Award and Oregon Health & Science University

Website and branding by Rabbit Rabbit Studio